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No tours Wednesday 9th or Saturday 12th October

No tours Wednesday 9th or Saturday 12th October

Privacy Policy

Manchester River Cruises is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We have posted this privacy policy to help you understand what information we are gathering and how we will use it. We believe your personal privacy on the Internet is a fundamental right and we are committed to clear, open and accessible privacy policies.

We hope that you feel our privacy policy explains clearly how we gather and use any data we may collect from you. We have used our best efforts to compose a policy that is fair, respectful and protects your privacy online. Your feedback is important to us. Please email any questions, comments or suggestions to our support team.

Manchester River Cruises’ Commitment to User Privacy:

  • Manchester River Cruises will not willfully disclose individually identifiable information about its users to any third party.
  • If at any stage in the future we feel disclosing such information may be of benefit to our users, we will not disclose such information without first receiving each individual user’s permission.

Gathering, Use and Disclosure of Information:

Personally Identifiable Information

Manchester River Cruises may collect personally identifiable contact information during the registration process for some services and when purchasing products.

This information includes contact details such as name, address and e-mail address. The personally identifiable information we collect may change from time to time but can only be collected when you voluntarily give it to us.

With your permission, we may also use your contact information to tell you about news or promotional materials from Manchester Cruises or our strategic partners that we believe may interest you. As described below, you are not automatically subject to such mailings but must actively request them, either when you provide your registration information or later. We may also use this information to communicate with you about your account with us, even if you have opted-out of receiving promotional materials. Such communications will not be promotional but limited to essential discussions required to maintain your account.

Demographic Information

Manchester River Cruises may also collect demographic and profile information, such as preferences, age, interests or employer, during the form entry process. Your personal identity is linked to this information and is gathered and stored in a manner which enables us to link such information back to you for marketing purposes.

Manchester River Cruises may also use this information to get a general idea of who is visiting our web site and how they are using it. We may analyse this kind of information to find out what areas or topics are more or less popular with our users, to tailor our users’ visit to the site and introduce new areas to the site which may interest our visitors.

Aggregate, summary (not individual) reports on site usage generated from this information may be shared with Manchester River Cruises’s strategic partners. An example of a summary report might be “during May this article has 25,500 unique readers.”

IP Addresses

Manchester River Cruises may also track your domain name or IP address to assist our efforts to gather and track the information described above. For some computers, the IP address is a globally unique identifier of your computer. Multiple users of the same computer will share the same IP address. However, in most cases your ISP (or network server, if a business user) will allocate you an IP address only for the duration of your online session (about 80% of all surfers are using “temporary” IP addresses). This means that, even when your IP address is noted, it is unlikely you will have the same IP address next time you use the internet.

IP addresses are never shared with third parties.


Manchester River Cruises does not use “cookie” technology.

If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer, you can disable cookies through your Internet browser. Disabling cookies will not prevent you from accessing any portions of the City Cruises site or service.

Opt-In and Opt-Out

The Manchester River Cruises site always requires users to actively select that they receive promotional communications from Manchester River Cruises. We will never assume acceptance.

In addition, every e-mail sent out by Manchester River Cruises will contain instructions on removing that e-mail address from lists for further mailings.


By using and inputting personal information you consent to the collection and use of this information. If we change our privacy policy we will post those changes on this page. Should we change our policy in the future the change will not affect how the data you enter now is used.

Correcting/Updating Personal Information

We are currently developing the capability to allow users to update, correct or amend their personally identifiable or demographic information and hope to make it available to users soon. If you believe we have incorrect or inappropriate information about you, please contact us on 0790 630 1222

Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this policy, the practices of the City Cruises site or our services, or your dealings with this website, please e-mail webmaster. Your Rights Under Law.

The Data Protection Act 1998

According to the Government Data Protection website:

‘Processing’ is broadly defined and takes place when any operation or set of operations is carried out on personal data. The Data Protection Act 1998 requires that personal data be processed “fairly and lawfully”. Personal data will not be considered to be processed fairly unless certain conditions are met. A data subject must be told the identity of the data controller and why that information is or is not to be processed.

Processing may only be carried out where one of the following conditions has been met:

  • the individual has given his or her consent to the processing;
  • the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the individual;
  • the processing is required under a legal obligation;
  • the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the individual;
  • the processing is necessary to carry out public functions;
  • the processing is necessary in order to pursue the legitimate interests of the data controller or third parties (unless it could prejudice the interests of the individual).

Manchester River Cruises meets and exceeds all these conditions. Our only interest in your personal details is to process bookings and to target promotional offers for those who request them. Any other data we collect is not user-specific.

The European Union Privacy Directive

The European Union (EU) encourages the free movement of goods, people, services and capital throughout the Union. It recognises that facilitating this requires the free flow of data from one Member State to another, but also that “fundamental rights of individuals should be recognised”. In October 1998 the EU adopted the Directive on Data Protection, which sets forth strict rules for companies which handle personal data about EU citizens.

The Directive instructs Member States to pass laws that specifically include the following terms:

  • Companies must notify both employees and consumers about how information collected about them will be used;
  • Companies can only use data for its intended purpose;
  • Companies cannot transfer data on employees and consumers to countries with inadequate privacy protection laws;
  • Consumers will have a right to access data collected about them;
  • Consumers will have a right to have inaccurate data rectified;
  • Consumers will have a right to know the origin of data about them (if this information is available);
  • Consumers will have a right of recourse in the event of unlawful processing of data about them;
  • Consumers will have a right to withhold permission to use their data (e.g. the right to opt-out of direct marketing campaigns for free without providing a reason);
  • Companies need explicit permission of consumers to process sensitive information, including information on racial origin, political or religious beliefs, trade union membership, medical data and sexual life.

Fundamentally this means companies must ask customers if they can collect personal data, disclose how any information will be collected and used and provide customers with free access to data about themselves.

Manchester River Cruises meets and exceeds all these conditions. Our only interest in your personal details is to process online orders. Any other data we collect is not user specific.

If you wish to access any personal information you feel we may have about you, contact us here

We consider good privacy practices to be very important. If you believe this document or our practices can be improved, please e-mail the support team

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